
Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Very First Vlog.....Completely Embarassing

It’s my first VLOG….or in case you didn’t know… blog. 
I am pretty sure all of the cool bloggers do it, but seriously?  I am MAKING myself do this so that when I die, my kids can say, “Hey….that was my beautiful mom….”, and “Isn’t she a riot?”
Funny thing is, I don’t feel like a riot…..I feel like a dork.  What is up with that piece of straight hair and my skeleton fingers waving around?  I am sure you will notice.  Oh yes, and I am a little blurry because it is cloudy and dark today in Japan.
Anyway, this post is linked up with Mama Dweeb.  She wants me to say the words pillow, exhausted, governor, entrepreneurial, calm, Milwaukee Wisconsin, bagel, ambulance, aqua, femoral, address, rural, and hypocrisy.  Then, when I am perfect at my speech and you are not, you are allowed to make fun of me to make yourself feel better.   To cap it all off….I have to answer seven questions…..and then you can tease me some more.
So here it is… in real life…..the Lynnie behind These Three Girlies….


  1. You did so great! If you're a dork, I'm a bigger dork:) And your hair looks pretty. Don't worry about it! Good on your for taking care of it yourself. I think the only word I have not heard anyone else say is the way you say "bagel". This is a lot of fun and it was nice to "meet" you. I hope you're having a great day!

  2. So great to see you! Made me realize once again how much I miss you!

  3. My favorite by far is "What do you call batting your eyelashes on someone else?" Annoying! haha, you are hilarious.

  4. This is the best Vlog I've ever seen. You do say bagel wrong, but the rest of the words sound fine. You are doing fine w/out a hairdresser cause you look absolutely beautiful. I miss you sooo much after seeing this!

  5. Good job! You should definitely keep vlogging! Very natural. I've done a couple vlog episodes and I do think the more you do them the better you get! New follower from the hop!
    Would love a follow back

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. The blowing on a baby's stomach thing is called a zerbert. I'd never heard the term until I met my husband, so he may have made it up. I'm off to look at more of your blog!
